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Weekly Activities
• Tuesdays - 20 h: Meditation and Study of Buddhist Teachings.
Reading and commentary on the book “Self-Healing III” by Lama Gangchen Rimpoche.
• Thursdays at 20 h: Ngalso Tantric Self-Healing Practices of Guhyasamaya, Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini
The Ngalso Self-Healing practices are meditations for body, speech and mind from the Tibetan tantric tradition. Using mantras, mudras, visualizations and breathing techniques we can clear the energetic blockages at our chakras and eliminate negative energies.
Energy points situated throughout our body are associated with different aspects of our mind. Touching these points is one way of bringing the mind, our consciousness, to this part of the body and healing it. As we touch each massage point, we recite mantras and visualize healing lights of various colours and healing images. The practices very quickly cleanse and energize the points and we start to feel better. The deep meditation on our body can, at a very subtle level, heal many different types of problem.
These practices are related to the buddhist tantras such as Guhyasamaya, Chakrasambhava, Vajrayogini and Kalachakra. They are advanced meditations that Lama Gangchen Rimpoche is transmitting in a very accessible way for practitioners of the Third Millennium. Throughout history, practitioners have meditated in isolated places, over long periods; nowadays , that is not possible, and we need new approaches to learning and awakening our subtle energies in order to use them in a proper way.
• Sundays at 9 am self-healing Tántrica Ngalso de Chittamani Tara.
The Chittamani Tara practice is a method for overcoming fears, eliminating laziness, developing courage and enthusiasm, and overcoming any kind of obstacle in our life.
Tara represents the feminine wisdom energy, that is quick to acudir and help those that ask for her help. This healing method from the Tibetan tantric tradition consists of familiarizing ourselves with and gradually embodying the pure crystal energy body of the female divinity Tara, who transforms our external, inner and secret fears into infallible action. If we do her practice regularly, we can obtain all the mundane and transcendental attainments.
The Seven Ngalso Medicine Buddhas
Practice to heal the diseases and those of others, meditating on the Buddha's healing archetypes of Medicine. Despite incredible scientific progress, healing the body and mind is not easy to achieve, and the numerous therapies available often prove insufficient, even inadequate, to cure our sicknesses on a profound and subtle level.
This practice shows us how to connect with the pure energy and absolute power of Supreme Healer Shakyamuni Buddha, who manifested the Seven Medicine Buddhas in His seven chakras. Meditating with love and compassion on the healing archetypes of the Seven Medicine Buddhas gives us access to potent healing powers that can help us to take care of our health and wellbeing, and help us heal other beings, our environment and our planet.
*(These two practices are practised on alternate Sundays.)